1. The name of the Club shall be “RUGBY MOTOR CLUB”, hereafter referred to as “The Club”.
2. The objects of the club shall be the promotion of sporting and social activities among motorists and all events associated with motor sport.
3. The club shall consist of ordinary members, Honorary members and Life members, and shall be open to all persons, with an interest in motoring and motor sport.
4. Each member shall be furnished with a copy of the rules upon joining the club.
5. All members shall, in addition to the rules, be bound by the regulations governing motor sport as issued by the Motor Sport Association Limited (MSA).
6. The Officers of the Club shall be a President, a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall be proposed, seconded and elected by ballot at each Annual General Meeting, and shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting when they shall retire, but they shall be eligible for re-
7. The Committee of Management shall consist of the officers, a Competition Secretary, a Membership Secretary, a Press Officer and a number of other committee members. The number of committee members may vary from year to year depending upon Club commitments, but at each Annual General Meeting their responsibilities shall be defined.
Six members of the committee shall form a quorum.
8. Any two members of the Club shall be at liberty to nominate a member to serve on the Committee, and the member so nominated shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting. Written nominations for committee shall be presented, accompanied by the nominee’s consent to stand for election, to the Club Secretary at least three days before an Annual General Meeting.
The Committee shall have power to co-
9. The committee shall have power to nominate Vice Presidents of the Club, either as honorary positions or on an annual basis. All Vice Presidents, past Presidents, Past Chairmen and former Committee members (deemed suitable by the President) shall be eligible to serve on the President’s Council which may be formed to provide guidance of an advisory nature on matters referred to it by the Committee and shall function under the Chairmanship of the President.
10. The Committee shall have control of the finances of the Club, and all such powers as may be necessary for properly carrying out the objects of the Club in accordance with the rules. No persons under 18 years of age shall be eligible to serve on the committee.
11. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Club and shall have custody of all documents belonging to the Club. He shall keep full and correct minutes of all proceedings and records of all competitions of the Club.
12. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Club and shall make up the Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet of the Club to 31st March in each year which Accounts and Balance sheets shall after audit, be circulated amongst the members with the notice of the Annual General Meeting.
13. A member shall be adopted as auditors at the Annual General Meeting to audit the Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet and shall certify the same before they are circulated.
14. A subscription for ordinary membership shall be paid annually. The amounts of fees and subscriptions payable shall be determined annually as decided at the Annual General Meeting.